If you want to write about modern concerns and need a medium. That’s your podium. We promote creativity from various backgrounds. If you think you can impact readers with your articles, blogs, opinions, and features, we can help.
Rkvnews.com writing is rewarding. You’ll receive a worldwide audience for creative writing and sharing facts and thoughts. This site continually collects perspectives from across the world; it’s a great chance for development enthusiasts, including professionals, to communicate research findings, developmental works, etc. with audiences of all nationalities on the planet.
Contributor Guidelines
The first need is a unique write-up concerning Rkvnews.com’s covered sectors or categories.
Online, a headline is the initial line of engagement between the author and the audience. Your title should be content-based yet attractive enough to capture eyes and clicks. After then, the audience’s attention depends on the information’s uniqueness and creative presentation. Article, blog, opinion, and feature-length should be 500-1500 words.
We use an internal methodology to assure the quality of our writing. Rkvnews.com’s technical staff will always examine your work for plagiarism. Then editors ensure your views/opinions/ideas aren’t copied from published materials. Follow international journalistic guidelines. If you use a published author’s ideas or views, provide credit. To clarify, make sure your article contains a clear argument (supported by recognized sector stalwarts’ earlier views/discoveries/hypotheses, etc.). It shouldn’t be a run-on list. Researchers, knowledge seekers, students, content strategists, and information architects should find your content beneficial.
You may also upload photos, music, and video clips. They will be published with your copyright, which Rkvnews.com will also have. If not original, contributors must cite content and photos. Unconvinced editors might criticize you for double-checking the smallest details. The editing crew decides whether to publish a piece.
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