A tattoo is something like a body ornament that is close to the person’s heart who adorns it. It is something that you love to flaunt as a part of your fashion statement. While getting a tattoo, you must shave the area for easy inking. Also, you need to do something about it when it gets hidden beneath the stubble. To do so, you should first understand whether it is advisable to shave on the tattooed area.
Ulike is a place that will give you all the information about how a tattoo works on your skin and your query about when can i shave after a tattoo. This blog page has detailed information about everything, including the actual effect of tattoos on your skin and what happens during the process. Check the website to know more.
The Skin Condition
Before planning to get your skin inked, you should first understand what exactly happens to your skin when you get a tattoo. The machine used to ink your skin will pierce thousands of holes into the epidermal layer. As a result, the region might look like you have tanned skin or a severe scrape.
Your artist will suggest the ideal ways to handle aftercare once your skin is inked. If you follow all the suggestions, you can show it to the world.
The Healing
Since your skin will experience needle like piercing thousands of times, the skin will go through the healing process in multiple stages. The dimension of the tattoo will determine the time required to heal completely. Your skin will be sensitive and feels raw after you get the tattoo.
Once the healing kicks in, your tattoo will start to peel off to allow new skin to grow and cover the region. The complete regeneration can result in permanent tattoo etching on the skin.
Shaving After Tattoo
Even though the healing of tattoos takes days to weeks based on the dimension. This doesn’t stop the hair from regrowing back in those areas. You will have the strong urge to shave the hair to let your tattoo be seen properly, but you should understand that shaving over the damaged or the healing skin can be painful.
Shaving can open up your skin pores to harmful bacteria from the environment that can infect the tattooed region, resulting in damage to the skin. The bacterial breakout on the skin can even lead to rashes, redness, inflammation, and infection. Hence, it is strictly suggested to let your skin heal completely before doing anything in that area.
Proper Healing
The best way to know whether your skin is healed after the tattoo is to feel the skin slowly by closing your eyes. If you notice any scabs, raised areas, or bumps, it is understood that the region has still not healed properly. Continue feeling the skin around the tattoo to ensure that you do not feel any pain or irregularities and have smooth skin. When you feel like your skin is all healed and ready, it is time to shave the area and let the world see your beautiful ink.