Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services has granted permission for medical cannabis to be used to alleviate symptoms of a number of medical conditions. There are currently 24 conditions that can be treated using medical cannabis. However, there is the possibility that new conditions could be added.
What will the legalization and sale of medical cannabis do for cardholders, dispensaries, and patients? What does it entail to be a marijuana patient in a state where you are able to go into a dispensary and buy cannabis? The short answer is that obtaining a marijuana license is beneficial for cardholders. There will be plenty of support available for cannabis patients, from affordability to access to dose.
1. Higher Potency
It is vital to determine the right dosage when using medical marijuana. Many patients have severe symptoms and require more THC. Medical cannabis dispensaries often have greater flexibility when it is to adhere to potency limitations.
2. Lower Cost and Taxes
A state-licensed marijuana dispensary can offer many benefits, including a lower cost for patients. If recreational cannabis is allowed in a state, it will be more taxed than usual and more expensive. Medical marijuana dispensaries provide concessions for patients who use medical marijuana in ways that recreational shops cannot. Patients with medical cards have easier access to life-improving medication at a lower cost. This makes it more affordable for them.
3. How to Grow Yours?
Missouri allows patients and their caregivers to grow marijuana plants. They can have six flowering plants, six other flowers, and six different clones. This is great news for marijuana patients, who depend on it for their well-being and health. They can also offset dispensary fees by having their own cannabis production.
4. Underage Cannabis Patients
Missouri permits anyone aged 18 or older to apply online for a cannabis ID card. There are minors, however, who can apply for a cannabis ID card. They also need to be able to access their medicine. Missouri will issue a minor cannabis card to the parent or caregiver.
A Missouri medical cannabis ID card is a card issued by Missouri that identifies you as a medical cannabis patient. With your card, you will have all legal rights granted to patients of cannabis under Missouri law. You can access any state dispensary and buy medical cannabis (dry plant) or other cannabis products.
Your Missouri marijuana ID card makes it simple to prove to law enforcers that you are legally permitted to possess and use medical marijuana. Missouri Medical Marijuana Act allows you to possess or consume and transport marijuana products.
Missouri residents who currently have one or several of the listed medical conditions are eligible to receive medical marijuana treatment. However, before you go to a Missouri dispensary and purchase medical marijuana, you need a Missouri marijuana card. You can easily obtain a Missouri marijuana identification card by scheduling an exam with a medical cannabis doctor via the Missouri Health and Wellness webpage. Midwest Cannabinoid Clinics was our partner. They provide medical cannabis certifications and help patients obtain their medical marijuana cards.